Online Health Check

Photo by <a href="">Kelli McClintock</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

Online Health Check

We all remember the time, in 2012, when an angry father of a high-school daughter showed the Target manager the mail sent to his daughter with coupons for baby clothes and cribs. It must be a mistake that a school-age girl could get pregnant. But a few days later, it turned out that his teenage daughter would be due that year. Target explained that it applied an AI model to predict its customers' shopping behaviours from their platform-dependent data - those generated data only from Target's sales channels.

However, should that mean parents like the father of the high-school daughter need to turn to platform vendors like Target or Facebook for their kids' behaviour reports? Probably not. Just paying attention to some platform-independent facts, such as:

  • how long the daughter spends in the baby section in Target;
  • what new stuff the daughter has after her shopping;
  • or how often the daughter visits Target;

Which can then help the father make a similar conclusion as Target did.

That's an exciting story and one that offers us hope that we can not only learn much more about our rebellious kids based on daily reflection on our interactions with them. But also, just maybe, answer directly to the many a big concern we have about our generation Z smartphone boys and girls - do they spend too much time online? Indeed, that is what pushed us to design a set of checkup questions to help determine school-age children's online addictive status based on the theory of Dr. Kimbley Young - the first psychologist to address Internet addictive behaviours. (please see the webpage at online health check )

While going through the around twenty checkup points on the webpage provided above, you may notice that the result of your kid's online health check should already be there, ready to be seen, hiding openly in those tiny daily interaction fragments.