Mango Means Managing Goals

Mango Means Managing Goals

As parents, we perhaps have more influence in shaping our children's personalities than we care to admit. And, often, we hear something from parents like

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It's happened naturally, and more often than not, we possibly don't even notice what we're doing is labelling our children. Then, little by little, a child labelled begins to play the game. If everyone calls Michael a lawyer, then he must be.

Similarly, when we target social media platforms as the primary cause that leads kids to become addicted to the Internet, we likely reveal our thoughts towards the kids and mark them as inadequate in coping with social networks and their influences. And that labelling of kids' disqualification from surfing the Internet alone would ultimately lead our young adults to lose their strength against Internet Addiction. Therefore, a quality parental control system shouldn't merely stop at building an isolated cyberspace island - by blocking each harmful site from youngsters- but also carry out the function of coaching adolescents to master skills in conquering the side effects of online activities.

Notably, however, the practices of Parental Control software are all rooted in the seven Internet Addiction treatment steps (please refer to her works - Young, S. Kimberly, Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, And Treatment 1999) of Dr. Kimberly Young, a pioneer researcher in Internet addiction disorder. In addition, Mongoprotection Parental Control focuses on the step of Setting Goals, from Dr. Kimberly Young's seven Internet Addiction treatment steps - which also reflects in the name we have given to our product (MANage GOals), which carries out systematically in three steps:

  • Help kids avoid temptation: MangoProtection has automatically filtered distraction sites on categories such as explicit content, ads and trackers. The out of sight, out of mind approach can help them focus on their set goals;
  • Involve children to manage their online schedule: MangoProtection allows its young users to set the length and point of time they go online freely. However, the only limitation is that their parents or guardians supervise their total amount of online time and bedtime.
  • Play together: MangoProtection builds a parent dashboard which helps parents set their kids' total online time or bedtime. And more importantly, rather than monitoring their kids' online activities, the dashboard provides insights into what stands in the way for their kids to reach their goals and work together to achieve them.

MangoProtection, on the contrary, trusts our children and lets them manage their online time. However, we filter out inappropriate content to our kids because we believe harmful content, just like weed, would potentially be addictive.